Discover Gay Brattleboro Vermont Gay Retreats Attractions and Men's Workshops Frog Meadow New England's Best All Male Gay Resort in Southern Vermont

Brattleboro is well known for it’s open, progressive values, welcoming attitude and longstanding embrace of diversity!  It’s such a gay/LGBTQ-friendly region…and it has an amazing collection of interesting and fun things to do! Check them out below and at www.LoveBrattleboroVT.com

The Brattleboro area of Southeast Vermont has so much to offer to the Gay & LGBTQ Community!

Brattleboro is well known for it’s open, progressive values, welcoming attitude and longstanding embrace of diversity!  It’s such a gay & LGBTQ-friendly region…and it has an amazing collection of interesting and fun things to do!

With great restaurants, fresh food sources that include farmer’s markets and a food coop, 3 microbreweries & a distillery, a cultural & arts community that includes monthly gallery walks, museums, music, theatrefrequent artist’s open studio tours, literary & film festivals, an annual LGBT film festival and frequent men’s gatherings, workshops & retreats – and moreit’s no surprise that Brattleboro is….

  • Voted #11 of the “20 Best Small Towns in America” by Smithsonian Magazine…
  • Listed as one of “Eight Great Places You’ve Never Heard Of” by Mother Earth News…
  • Named #13 among “America’s Top 25 Art Destinations” by AmericanStyle Magazine…
  • Ranked one of the Ten Best Small Art Towns in “The 100 Best Art Towns in America”

Scroll down to discover & explore the many recreational & cultural activities, events, attractions and culinary delights that Brattleboro and gay &LGBTQ-friendly Southeast Vermont have to offer!


Guest Reviews

Completely Content

Frog Meadow is a truly wonderful place. When I travel I usually want to go places and see or do things. Not in this B&B. The house (tastefully decorated) is on top of a hill, the end of the world, so it feels. I was completely content to be there. The view south across the valley is great, there is the pond, the hot tub.

Dave’s breakfasts are excellent and his massage is very good, too. His partner Scott seemed like a mover and a shaker to me and together they keep the place in very good shape. They are a great couple! I met lots of nice guys there and some were really fun … I left Frog Meadow completely rejuvenated.

When I get back to New England, I’ll certainly go there again.

Philippe, Antwerp, Belgium
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